Submission Form NameProvide your name or Twitter handle/ Something to identify you by.Discord IDPlease enter your Discord ID, if you have one.Item / NFT NamePlease enter the Name of the NFTOpensea / Magic Eden linkPlease enter the link directly to the item specified.Merch TypeShirtHoodieHat/ BeanieMug/ DrinkwareOtherPlease enter what kind of item you would like to see made with this.Notes or Other explanationOther item you'd like to see. And/or notes on the items.ImagetoolsIf you need any help converting image file types, or increasing the resolution of the image. Here is a host of tools on this site. Picture of NFT if possibleChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease try to have as High Quality of an image as possible.Send MessagePlease do not fill in this field.